I’ve several questions about “header”.
1. On the home page, I’d like to keep the parallax effect. but Is it possible to reduce the height of the picture or It’s standardized.
2. Is it possible to manage the automatic zoom on headers or deactivated it.
3. On the responsive version of my site, there is a big space after the header and the first content of the page. May I manage it ?
Kindly, send us the page link where you have the issue, along with your WordPress admin login and FTP Login Credentials through the right bottom form located @http://themeforest.net/user/buddhathemes So that, we can check and have a clear look from our end. Then we’ll help you get rid of it ASAP!!
The issue has been resolved. Please have a look. http://prntscr.com/l6yppd http://prntscr.com/l6ypui
we have added the below code under the custom css text field.
#dt-sc-custom-slider.dt-sc-main-slider.dt-sc-parallax { min-height: 600px !important; }
Note: You can change the min-height value as per your need.
Thank you, we look forward to helping you!
Note : we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our theme, services, and customer support. If you have a moment, kindly rate us. Have a look at the video for the rating process.
Hoping for a 5 star rating from your end 🙂Hi.,
We have fixed the issue. Kindly, have a look. http://prntscr.com/l72lba
We have checked your site in mobile. your site looks fine.
Please reload the site and check it out.
I’m sorry for the delay.
I used the site : http://www.responsinator.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flesperluette-agence.fr%2F & unfortunately i doesn’t look fine…
For the home page ok. but for other there is always a big gap between the header and the first content.
Please mail us your site credentials (WP & FTP access logins)
So that, we can check and have a clear look form our end.Hi.,
It seems that you have not been using the updated theme version 1.5 , so kindly update the theme and check out the issue.
Please refer the Knowledge Base : http://support.wedesignthemes.com/knowledge-base/steps-to-update-the-theme/
Please refer the attached screenshot : http://prntscr.com/lg5gpg >http://prntscr.com/lg5gud
Sorry for the inconvenience ,
No need to update the theme . The issue has been resolved. Please have a look.
Kindly, help us to have a better understanding on it by getting back with some screenshots like references. So that, we can have a clear look at your issue.
So, on my home page, which is in private at this moment, When I upload my header picture there’s a zoom on it. My picture is here (1920X800px). The screenshot shows a focus in the center of the image.
Thank you by advance.
We have made changes as per your need.
Please refer the attached screenshot : http://prntscr.com/lhabod http://prntscr.com/lhafn6
1) Can you send us the screen resolution size in which you have the issue, so that we can check the issue at that resolution.
2) Just add this css code in Dashboard > Appearance > Foreal Options > Layout > Custom Css & Js > Enable Css > Yes > Paste the css code inside the text area > Save All.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #dt-sc-custom-slider.dt-sc-main-slider.dt-sc-parallax { min-height: 144px !important; background-size: contain !important; } }
Note: You can change the min-height value as per your need.
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